Retro new games

Strange title I know but bear with me as I explain.

The Nintendo Switch. A fantastic console that just gets better and better with age. I own an Oled model and I love it but it hasn’t always been the case. If you peruse my other blogs you will see that I’ve not always got on with Nintendos offering and I’ve indeed had many of their Switch products. I’ve then sold them on as I’ve lost interest. In fact I’ve had 2 of the version 2 dock able Switches (not including my current Switch) and one of the Switch Lite consoles in  a kinda of pink colour. It was fantastic. However they all went the same way, sold on. Why you might be asking? Well a number a reasons really. I preferred Xbox and PlayStation, I loved retro gaming (think Xbox 360, PS3 etc)  and the fact that, at the time, the Switch was hard to find and as a consequence, the lure of selling for a profit really pulled hard and I did sell them on.

After the last console was sold (the Lite model) I instructed my kids to NOT let me buy another Switch! They let me down! 😂 Whilst their backs were turned I sneakily bought an Oled model. Why you might ask?. We’ll because of one simple premise; I owned over 150 digital titles on Nintys console. They kept playing on my mind and as I hadn’t really played many of them I needed to at least have a shot with them. Let me explain.

The Switch Eshop always has some fantastic deals on. Everyday there’s something new and I’m a sucker for buying games at very very cheap price. I’m not one to spend more than £3 most of the time on games, usually Indie games. I absolutely love some of the games these fantastic developers produce. As a result my collection to date is probably over 200 now! Yep it’s an issue 😭

So in this blog I’m gonna get into 10  games I’ve really liked, currently like or are interested in playing. Let’s begin


This game has a retro feel to it not only in its aesthetics, but old school difficulty as well. The game is a hack n slash/platform game in the depths of hell. Fighting demons, skeletons and a numerous amount of other demonic beings, the difficulty will keep you going back and back and back as you die multi times trying to navigate pure hell. The music adds to the atmosphere. A mixture of heavy Rock sets the tone as you battle the undead. It’s fantastic and one of my favourite games on multi platforms. I prefer it on the Switch as I can play it on my TV or in handheld mode. Can’t do that on the PlayStation 4 can you?


Doom this is! No I’m kidding it’s not, it’s like Doom but has its own feel. Actually I feel it’s quicker than Doom. Again the graphics are old school mixed with new. Blood guts gore are all evident here and there’s nothing better than taking on hordes of the undead, traversing platforms, working out puzzles and running back and forth through rivers of Lava and Blood. I actually own this as a physical I loved it that much! A big accolade when you consider I only own 4 or 5 physical Switch games as its mostly a digital console.


Another Platform game but without the blood guts and gore. In fact this couldn’t be any further from the  horror genre. It’s an old school collectathon. Platforms and things to collect as you traverse over waterfalls and land. One thing that Indie games usually excel at for me, is music. The music in the game is fantastic. It really sets the scene and if it’s available to buy away from the game I will! One negative I have is that the margins for failure on the run sections are tight. I’ve failed many times and got frustrated with it. Saying that it’s still great.

Castle of Heart.

Another Platform hack n slash game in medieval times. Running left to right you traverse platforms, fight enemies, collect items and fight fight fight. It’s actually a really fun game and has me coming back to it on a regular basis. In fact I feel like playing it right now.

Greak; memories of Azur.

I really like this game. I enjoy the music, the story, the graphics and the idea. However, I keep getting lost in this game. I really do. The map isn’t very good Imo and as a result doesn’t really help.It’s similia imo, to Ori in style. That’s not a bad thing now is it?

Aspire; Ina’s tale

I really like this games aesthetics. They are so crisp and clean looking. There’s no dialog (or so far into the game there isn’t) and barely any interactions. It’s a platfrom game with puzzles in it that sometimes has you thinking outside the box. As with the other games on this list, I’m stuck 🙂

Lost Words.

A really interesting game on the play of words. In fact you platform your way across sentences and dialog in a unique way. It’s fantastic and interesting at the same time. The story is told as you control a little girl across her story. Things appear on your page as you prgress and it’s fun. Again, stuck on it


Talk about tough games. This is one. It’s very much old school in its approach. It’s a platform horror style game set in some kind of religious setting. There’s lots of Latin in it. I love it. I’ve got Valfaris, Slain and this one which I bundle together as they are very similar in their premise. If you like gothic style games then this is for you.


A futuristic horror game with a wicked difficult level. Not unlike Slain and Blastphemus in its visual and gaming approach. Music isn’t bad either. Recommended

A Jugglers Tale

A Juggler’s Tale is platform puzzle game whereby you play as Abby, the marionette, and make your way through a medieval fairy tale world to find freedom. I’ll be honest, I havent played much of this game but what I have played I’ve enjoyed. I bought this in the sales that Nintendo Eshop usually have costing me £1.50 which was a bargain. I spent £10 on 5 games and they were all great. This was one of them.

Of all the games above I didn’t pay a fortune for as I found them all in the sales on the Nintendo Eshop. If you search, there are a ton of hidden gems and bargains to be had. Slain, Valfaris and Blastphemous cost me quite a lot when I bought them on my PS4 as physical copies and I recently sold them to CEX for £40+. I bought digital copies from the Eshop for a few £ each. Bargain.

There are a ton of puzzle platform games on the Nintendo Switch which not only have great gameplay and story, but great music as well.

Thanks for reading my blog. There are more linked below

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