15 great Games completed

These games aren’t in any order. This also isn’t a review but just a few thoughts about the game and why I liked it. Please bear that in mind. They are also my opinions no one else’s.

We all have our favourite games I’m sure, I have mine. Now something I have discovered is that I’ve completed more games on the PlayStation 3 than any other console I’ve owned. I don’t know why that is but I do love my Ps3.

Saboteur (ps3)

This game starts off black and white and red and as you liberate Paris (where the game is based) colour begins to return to the game.

This is one of my favourite games which I completed a long time ago. Sabatour is set in WW2 in Paris and has the Nazi occupiers hounded by an Irish chap called Sean Devilin. Throughout the game you’re tasked with blowing up big guns, infiltrating bases and killing top gererals. Personally I thought the game was a little short but there is sandbox mode where you can drive around stealing valuable cars and…. Well basically doing what ever you fancy doing. Some of Sean’s sayings are funny but beware he has a foul mouth. Great game which needs a remake or a sequel but I think the games studio that produced this game no longer exists.

Firewatch (Switch)

I didn’t expect to enjoy this game as it was very cheap on the E shop and I thought it was shovel ware but I was pleasently surprised by it. Everytime I saw it featured in an Eshop sales video on YouTube it called my name so eventually I bought it.

You play Henry M (Hank) ; a chap who’s partner is very ill and he’s has taken a job in a forest on Firewatch to escape the problems. Throughout the game he is in contact with Delilah who frequents the other tower and is quite often found on the radio talking to Hank (Henry). You never meet her.

Spoilers. The game is around 4 to 5 hours long and isnt very tasking really. You are sent across a small map looking for things that are happening such as a couple of girls starting fires and skinny dipping and there’s something sinister throughout the game.

I really enjoyed this game and it was the kind of game that you wanted to get to the end. A lot of games I play I lose interest usually halfway through. It doesn’t cost mega amounts of cash either so well worth a pick up imo.

Beyond 2 Souls/Heavy Rain/ Detroit Become Human

There’s actually 3 games in this section; Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 Souls and Detroit Become Human. The latter is ps4 and the others are ps3. I’ll be honest here I thought they were all fantastic. Beyond was the better one for me followed by heavy rain and Detroit lastly.

Beyond follows a young girl who has powers that she doesn’t understand. At a young age she is institutionalized to harness the power but escapes later in life and goes on the run. The game switches between young and older Jodie. The game does get a little annoying in places but I still loved it. Well worth the purchase.

Alien Colonial Marines (PS3)

Tons(and I mean tons) of people hated this game. I was one of them at first. The game has glitches, has plot line holes and is difficult for no reason. I did a BLOG on it here a few years then a reblog HERE. Back story, I’m a massive Alien fan and as a result this game was attractive to me. But on playing it I was frustrated and to be fair, used to annoy me. But the older me revisited it (because I love anything Aliens) and found I really loved it the 2nd time through. Maybe the game was ahead of it’s time?

Roller Coaster Tycoon 1,2 and 3.

Oh boy, where do I start with this/these games? Probably my all time favourite game/s. I have put more time into these games than any other over my life in gaming. I couldn’t stop playing them I was addicted….. no really I was! I loved that you built up your theme park or you could manage a pre set park. I loved that in RCT3 you could enter sandbox mode and actually ride the coasters you have built from scratch. I love that you could theme your park to your own taste and I love that you could create swimming pools and zoos if you have the packs. I love this game I really do. I’ve spent so much time on these games I really can’t quantify it and I wouldn’t even know how to. Each park you build is different from your previous and your future parks would be different from your current park. You could put so much time into building 1 park that you might not even get involved in the scenario part of the game. I never did. I built park after park, altering bits that fall behind over the years and then making those bits different from your original ideas. You could start a park and within a few hours you haven’t done much but time has gotten away from you. You could spend days just on perfecting the paths to get your punters to ride your coasters or tweak prices to try and maximizer your profits. I never really bothered with that side, I just built parks, maxed out advertisement, made the park look good with scenery and the rest followed. People came to the park.

I had to stop in the end I was playing it that much….. yep really!!!!!! It took a lot of my time away.

Sims are usually addictive in one form or another and this one is no different

Chronicles of Riddick; Escape from Butchers Bay (Original Xbox)

I loved this rpg action game. Following Vin Diesel trying to escape prison was taxing in places and sometimes a little annoying having to back track to complete tasks. This was probably my first real adventure type of game and I think because of that it’s the one I loved playing. The sequel wasn’t as good, I think the developers swapped halfway through and changed the format halfway through to a shooter rather than a game similar to The Outer Worlds which is what the first one was. Enjoyable game that I still own and plan to play again one day…… If I ever get time that is!

Medal of Honor (PS1)

The soundtrack to this game and the others come to think of it, are top notch. I often listen to it. It gives a great sense of war and inparticular ww2. The first time I played Medal of Honor on the original PlayStation I couldn’t stop playing it. Again clunky control system back on the PS but if you could put up with it it’s a rewarding game. I’ve completed every moh game except the last one they did (cant remember the name), mostly because it was modern warfare and I prefer the older WW2 gameplay and setting. I remember playing Rising Sun and being blown away by the opening scenes of the prisoner having his throat slit and me trying to escape. Haunting. Then there was the medal of honor on the Pc which was set on Dunkirk beach I believe. Trying just to get to the top of the bunkers across that beach was hard as nails and I spent many hours trying to get there. I believe that Steven Spielberg and the team from Saving Private Ryan had a lot to do with this game and I guess if that’s true you can tell. I think, but aren’t sure, John Williams wrote the sound track too. It spawned quite a few sequels also until it eventually fell out of favour and Call of Duty took the mantel. I completed all but the Pc versions of Moh, even the PSP games (both) which I enjoyed.

Resident Evil 1 through 3 (ps1)

Don’t get me wrong I like 4 through to today’s RE games but 1 through 3 and Code Veronica was so atmospheric for me. Oh and extremely exciting too. Trying to kill the those Spiders, those Lickers and the rest just put you on edge most of the time. Oh and remember the sound of the zombie moan? I loved re1 when we eventually exited the house and made it past the door with the shields. Oh and the battle at the end when someone threw you a Bazooka just before you left on the train. Magic. I’ll never forget the title screens as you left on the train. There was also a Gamecube RE game that I can’t currently remember it’s name which was good as well. That started off with a train journey. What is it with Capcom and trains? Resident Evil is a classic game and will always be imo. I’d love to go back and experience it again as it was back in the 90s (and I do own it) but I really don’t like the tank like controls.

Dead Space (ps3)

These horror games are amazing. What I liked about Dead Space was the fact that you aren’t a soldier but rather a worker trying to survive the horror. Issac is a fantastic hero who, in the first 2 games I think, didn’t speak. I’m trying to remember these games without looking it up here.

Dead Space Extraction (Wii)

Surprisingly good game on the Nintendo Wii and different from the other Dead Space games. These use the Wii controller and the Wii Mote and its a rail shooter rather than action horror. Beware though, it can induce motion sickness and there is an option to turn down the motion to stop that happening. I did!. This time you are on a planet and discover these Monoliths that open up the undead world.

Gears of War 5 (Xbox One)

This game on its own got me into Gears of War. On its release it went straight to Xbox Gamepass and I decided it looked great. I couldn’t stop playing it which, in todays world, is unusual for me. I then bought the rest of the franchise going back to the 360 and played through most of them so far. I think that 5 is the best one of all the games.

Brothers; A tale of two sons (Xbox one)

This is an emotional tale of 2 brothers who are connected. One brother is controlled with the right analogue stick and the other with the other. It’s a puzzle adventure game that’s incredible fun to play. It does play on your heart stings. In it you meet a who array of monsters and enemies and is really a good game if you fancy puzzle type games.

Oxenfree (Xbox One)

I don’t know what drew me to this game but something did and I really enjoyed it. I guess it was something a little different really. It’s an adventure type of game, there’s lots of talking and answering questions in this game as well as moving through each scenario. It’s really hard to explain but it’s a kinda of horror adventure game if I needed to label it. There’s an old scholl radio involved, a lot of decisions and a weird plot. I’m actually struggling to describe it really but I did enjoy it. I’m starting it again soon o. The Switch this time to see if I could get a different ending.

Resogun PS Vita

I’m a big twin stick shooter fan and as a result was drawn to this game straight away. It’s not unlike a modern day Defender really but set in a cylindrical world. You have to save the last human according to the ladies voice within the game and it’s very hard to do. What I love about it is the sound when you hit an enemy, it’s so satisfying. It’s also cross play with the PS Vita and I played it alternatively over both consoles. The visuals are really good, especially the explosions. I did however find one negative. I often struggled to save all the Humans because I often didn’t know one had been released from their cages. Still well worth the visit and I’ve revisited it quite a few times.

Mafia 2 ps3

Absolutely loved this game. Playing as an up and coming criminal the game is so satisfying. I especially enjoyed the pinching of cars and driving them at fast speeds around the map. The game pushes through time so the cars and fashion change as the years go by. I did go back to the original Mafia but, being on the PlayStation 2 I found it to be not as much fun as Mafia 2. That and the controls were funky. I have Mafia 3 and indeed the Mafia collection (which I just picked up) but I didn’t find 3 as engaging as 2 for some reason! I played through quite a bit of 3 but it just didn’t catch me as 2 did. I’m gonna play the remaster version I picked up and see if Mafia 1 is playable now.

So there you have it, 15 games I’ve loved over the years that I think are worth playing today. Not everyone’s choice but that doesn’t mater because it’s a personal choice and it’s what made me happy in the gaming world.

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