June 2022. What have I been playing recently?

June was a busy time for my gaming needs as I ramped up both collecting and playing. Here’s whats in this blog

·Doom Eternal on the PS5. Mind blowing violence at its best.

·Ride 2 PS4. Best motorcycle game currently?

·Blasphemy Switch. Horror platforms that has plently of gore

·Pistol Whip. Quest 2 VR. I’m I the bad ass I think I am?

·Mafia Definitive collection PS4. Remaster better than the original Playstation 2 offering?

Surprisingly the month of June doesnt contain any PSVR games which is unusual for me. I love Playstation VR headset and actively collect for it. This month, however, I appear to have given it a rest. Here’s what Ive had my teeth into in June.

Doom Eternal (PS4) Having almost (last boss is a bitch) finished Doom 2016, I was excited for Doom Eternal. After all 2016s offering was amazing to play and made you feel invincible whilst playing it. I was hoping for the same with Eternal and to be honest, it doesn’t fall down in that department but (and its only really a small but) the game does feel different from 2016. I dont know why but I have a few ideas.

In 2016 the game flows much better than Eternal. The latter seems to be stopping every few minutes to add a new weapon extension or combat action into the game. In 2016 I felt that I found a gun and just used it, so worked it out but External seems to want to “baby” you through each find. Maybe its just me? All the weapons and enemies are there and the atmosphere is similar. Oh and the brutality is in here for all the people who require it from a game. If you like your 1st person shooters fast paced and brutal, you cant go wrong with any of the Doom games after 2016.

RIDE 2 (PS4). Why ride 2 when theres Ride 4 out now? Well I have 1 through to 4 and play each, as the mood takes me. I chose Ride 2 simply because thats the one I feel runs best for me. I have much more success than on 4 and I just generally enjoy it more. Its a personal thing really.

I seem to be moving away from car racing and the likes of Gran Turismo, Project Cars and Asseto Corsa and playing instead, motorcycle games. The challenge is different from the Car racing titles as its much harder to judge cornering speeds on two wheels. I guess thats now the challenge. Learning new courses and how to take the racing line feels to me like starting fresh in racing. Braking is different too. Much harder to judge than car racing. Im into bikes to be fair so that probably sways the review of this game.

Blasphemy (Switch). I really like this horror/platform game. In fact I also include Slain and Valfaris in this as well as they are very similar to each other. The games are very blood thirsty with heavy metal sound tracks as you decend into what can only be described as Hell! Talking of music, if you love rock music then this game has it in droves. It really sets the atmosphere without a doubt. The pixel art graphics are very nice and set a good tone for ths game.

Pistol Whip (Oculas Quest 2). You didnt think there wouldn’t be a VR game on this list did you? If you want to feel like a bad ass and feel great about shooting tons of baddies then this Virtual Reality game will be right up your street. Its certainly up my street. From the graphics to the pumping music this game delivers an atomoshere that gives you an impression of being the worlds greatest hitman. I rate this game highly and did a dedicated blog recently on it. Its HERE.

Mafia Definitive edition. I’m a huge fan of the Mafia games and began actually with Mafia 2. After completing that game I moved onto 3 which, if I’m honest, didnt feel as good as 2! In fact I still havent finished the game but will. Then I discovered that they had remastered the original Mafia game; a game first released on the PlayStation 2. I tried on said ps2 but couldnt get on with the control system. When the Defintive collection arrived I jumped at the chance of playing it and absolutely loved it. Its such a fun involving game to play. There is so much detail within this game that you could just drive around and watch all the npcs doing their stuff. Its fascinating. Just look at this clip I took recently

So Ive finished, in this order , Mafia 2, part of Mafia 3 and then Mafia Definitive collection. Shame I couldnt have done them in order really but the latter wasnt out before the others so a little bit impossible. Anyways it doesn’t really matter as I don’t think the games follow on from one another.

So there you have it, the games I played in June 2022. I haven’t, as of this blog, actually finish all the games on this list and probably wont; well it’s not a necessity is it really? It’s all about enjoyment not completion.

Thanks for reading this blog. Here are more I’ve written in the past.

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